The initial well-being assessment will determine your care needs, which may include mental health coaching, therapy, or both. If coaching is recommended, only coach options will initially appear on your home page. However, you may visit the "Explore more care options" page on the app or submit a request to connect with a therapist.
Connect With a Therapist
After completing registration, you will need to complete the initial well-being intake, which will cover the following areas:
Based on your selections during your assessment, our initial care suggestions will route you to either mental health coaching, coaching, therapy, or a mixture of both. For example, if your initial assessment recommends and triages you to coaching, only coach options will surface on your home page. For more information about the difference between therapy and coaching, check out this article here.
If you are interested in connecting with a Modern Health therapist, please visit the Explore more care options page on your app or submit a request at the top right of the browser and our Care Team will assist you.
After you connect with a therapist, please take a look at this guide to make the most out of your first therapy session!