If you are nearing the end of your covered sessions, we encourage you to to discuss future care options with your providers. If your benefits end and COBRA coverage isn't available, you can continue therapy by paying out-of-pocket. Pricing is at the provider's discretion. We advise to explore other care forms like Circles and digital programs as well.
Continuing Care Without Cobra
As you approach the end of your covered sessions (therapy or coaching), Modern Health encourages you and your provider(s) to discuss whether it’s appropriate to stop sessions, continue through private pay, or graduate to another form of care, like Circles and digital programs.
Please note, once a member terms with their employer, they will most likely not have access to their Modern Health benefits. If your benefits team confirms you no longer have access or extended care can not be offered under COBRA Coverage but you would like to continue seeing your Modern Health therapist, you have the option to keep working directly with them by switching to paying out-of-pocket. While we encourage our providers to offer great pricing for members, overall pricing for continued care is at the provider's discretion.
For more information, please view here.