Working with multiple providers can be beneficial, such as combining individual and couples therapy or financial coaching and therapy. However, it's crucial to avoid overlapping focuses to prevent confusion or harm. Modern Health supports up to two coaches and two therapists (with limitations) per member. Sessions with the same type of provider draw from the same session pool, so allocation should be discussed with providers.
Best Practices for Working with Multiple Providers
It can be very beneficial to work with multiple providers at one time in certain circumstances. For example, working with a couples therapist and individual therapist, or working with a financial well-being coach and an individual therapist.
If working with more than one provider is something that you are interested in, it is important to consider what you would like to focus on with each provider; if there is too much overlap, the experience can be both confusing and possibly even harmful, so a provider may recommend against or decline care. Note that this isn’t specific to Modern Health; ethical and professional guidelines recommend against offering care in situations where there is too much overlap.
At this time, Modern Health's app can actively support up to two coaches and two therapists (one therapist for individual and one therapist for couples counseling/family) per member. If you would like to inquire about matching with an additional provider, please submit a request at the top right of the browser and our Care Team will assist you.
Please also keep in mind that sessions with the same type of provider will pull from the same allotment pool (for example, if you work with a leadership coach and a mental health coach, they will be pulled from the same pool of sessions), so you will need to discuss this with your providers to determine how you want to allocate your sessions.