You must complete intake paperwork and consent forms before your first therapy session. This is mandatory for the session to proceed. However, you do not need to provide billing or insurance information for covered Modern Health sessions and are not responsible for payment if invoiced.
Intake Paperwork and Consent Forms
Some of our therapists will ask you to fill out intake paperwork and consent forms before your first session. Please kindly note that this is standard practice for therapy. Due to privacy and security reasons, most providers will use a specific software/portal outside the Modern Health platform to create an account and share the necessary information for your upcoming sessions.
Please complete all necessary paperwork before scheduling a first therapy session since this is a requirement. If you schedule a session and cannot complete the required paperwork, the session will not be able to occur.
Insurance and Billing Information
Your company fully covers the cost for your Modern Health benefit plan. There is no need to share billing or insurance information while accessing covered sessions through Modern Health. If you have exhausted your benefit, reach out to our team at help@modernhealth.com to see what your options are.
If you received an invoice from your Modern Health provider and you still have available sessions, make sure to double check with your provider on your remaining session count. Your provider may have done so in error, therefore please have your provider contact our team at provider@modernhealth.com for invoicing assistance. If you need further assistance with a billing issue, please submit a request at the top right of the browser and our Support Team will assist you.